A Healthy Divorce mediation is a place to resolve all dispute of family matters
Mediation allows divorced couples to negotiate divorce or family disputes without going to a judge to decide for them. In divorce mediation , both parties will sit with a neutral third party called a mediator rather than having both parties go to court and use the procedure to resolve divorce issues such as property agreements, alimony, and child custody. When spouses cannot find a common language in family legal disputes, they can turn to a neutral party, the divorce mediator, to seek support in negotiation and information exchange. Although divorced spouses can agree in advance to conduct mediation, consent to use mediation can also be negotiated. Mediation can be an attractive solution for both parties if negotiating an amicable divorce becomes counterproductive or if it turns out that the spouses in question will benefit from working together. The San Diego mediation center can be a great idea if you and your spouse share a commitment to peacefully divorce or if y...